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Joaquin Seys first Player of the Month this season

Player of The Month

Joaquin Seys is your first POTM 2024-2025. The full-back convincingly outperformed the other nominees in the voting.

Seys' start of this season under coach Hayen had been difficult to overlook. Defensively secure, offensively an extra threat and a great engine on the flank. He seasoned his debut start with a first goal during our season operner against KV Mechelen and has now been voted Player of the Month!

For each vote, our partner Unibet donates €1 to charity. With this, an amateur club wins a free monthly CPR workshop and an AED device for the club. The winner of the month of August is Sassport Boezinge!

Want to register your amateur club? You can do so here. The winner will be notified personally.