On Sunday 4 May at 18h, we'll be battling it out with RSC Anderlecht in the Belgian Cup Final. Ticketing info is now available.
Ticketing - steps
Step 1: Supporters clubs presale
As the Cup Final can be seen as an away game, we give our fans the chance to make the trip to Brussels through their supporters club. Season ticket holders adhered to the Supporters Federation can apply for a ticket at their supporters club.
Cave: Season ticket holders buying their tickets through their supporters club, will no longer be able to buy another ticket through the online sales of steps 2 through 4.
- Start: Thursday 27 February
- Deadline: Tuesday 11 March (all applications to be made prior to this date)
Step 2: Season ticket holders online sale
All season ticket holders who have not bought their ticket in Step 1 can buy tickets online. Season ticket holders can buy tickets for themselves, and for up to four other fellow season ticket holders through the Friends & Family-system. More info on this system can be found here.
- Start: Monday 17 March
Step 3: Club Members online sale
In case there are still tickets available after Step 2, Club Members get the chance to buy tickets (one per Club ID.
- Start: Wednesday 26 March
Step 4: Remainder
Non-members will get the chance to buy tickets upon availability after Step 3.
- Start: Friday 28 March
Price setting
- Behind the goal: €35
- Long side
- Outer blocks (E, F, M, N): €50
- Central blocks (C, D, I, J, K, L): €75
Fans can make their way to Parking C; tickets to this parking lot can be obtained shortly through Brussels Expo online.
Wheel chair users, visually impaired & hearing impaired
All info can be obtained through our Club Brugge Foundation here.
Make sure you get those tickets, and back Blue & Black in this historic Final!