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Ronny Deila: "Build on the foundations of today's performance"

UEFA Conference League

A gratifying win for Club Brugge in Switzerland, after what has been a bumpy road for Club lately. A content coach Deila lauded his team's performance. 

"Of course we end this game with a good feeling," Club's coach started out. "Last Saturday's game left us in a predicament, and off to a rough week. We had to set the record straight and pull in a better performance. And I think we managed to do so. I urged my team to play a mor compact game, with more agression and maturity. We did well in that respect, except ten minutes into the second half. In the first half, however, I don't think they had one chance, we were clearly in full control. We made the most of the momentum today, and that was important. When everyone is giving 100% and does his job, luck will be on your side automatically. That was a great feeling today."
"It's great that we were able to call upon Casper again today, and I reckon he put in a good performance. We now have four instead of two men in midfield in our rotation. We'll be needing them, as there are many more games to be played. They're all fine players too, so it will be a matter of bringing the right player at the right time. This will also allow us to change during a game. That is why I was so happy with a.o. Balanta and Nielsen today, as it's not all that evident with them not having played for some time. They now both have played the full ninety minutes, so kudos to them."
A player who was not having the best of games was Thiago. "I feel like he overthinks his actions a bit too much. That's not strange, he has never played in a team the likes of Club Brugge. There's still a lot he has to learn, but I do believe he had a good start to this season. He might be having a bit of a rough run when it comes to coring, and his timing is not always good. Sometimes stress might take over from quality, so that's the kind of things we need to further work on. It's definitely not about attitude, but more a thing of understanding ho to deal with handling the pressure of being a striker at a top outfit the likes of Club Brugge."
The way in which Club Brugge claimed the win clearly satisfied coach Deila. "The result matters foremost, but I'm also very happy with the way in which we won. It's something I have seen before this season, and something we want to keep building on. We can always do better in possession, but it all starts with the groundworks, an working hard, and organisation. These principles help prosper the skills and the belief in the upcoming games. As a group we need to continue along these lines and keep our heads held high as we take on the next games. I'm fully convinced we are capable of succeeding as a team, and tonight was a good start we can build on in the future", a hopeful Ronny Deila concluded. (TM)